The Dentosophie of Isabella

To be free from emotional manipulation requires care, attention and simple daily actions.

Among these daily exercises there is the practice of one or more holistic disciplines, which you can choose from those that you like the most and consider the most effective for your case and for your personality.

Let us know them better.

Today it is the turn of the Dentosophie of Isabella.

Isabella De Magistris is a doctor, dentist, specialist in kinesiology applied to dentistry and gnathology and posture, but above all a … DENTOSOPHER.

Question: “How, when and why have you become fond of this discipline?”.

Answer: “I “met” the Dentosophie more than ten years ago while I understood, thanks to the various master’s and training courses in posturology, the connection between the mouth and the rest of the body. But for me, who have always thought that we are the physical expression of our emotions, of our life, the mere assessment of the physical state of a person was limiting. So, Dentosophie came to “help” me, connecting our teeth with our emotions and, ultimately, expressing who we are and what we feel”.

Question: “What are its main benefits?”.

Answer: “The main benefits are at the postural level, both for the mouth and for the rest of the body, they are emotional, because thanks to the use of the activator people can meet their conflicts and solve them; they are rehabilitation of wrong postures of the tongue and of incorrect (oral) breathing, and orthodontics”.

Question: “What simple exercise could you suggest us for a daily practice?”.

Answer: “I would suggest to practice breathing exercises, especially those that promote the release of the diaphragm”.

Question: “What is your personal message for those who want to break free from manipulation?”.

Answer: “I think that we must believe only in ourselves. The only God existing is inside of us, so we are the craftsmen of what happens to us in our life, because when we think we are creating what later will be manifested to us. Let us remember not to judge other people, both because they are our mirror, that is what we reflect on the outside, and because everyone is making his or her journey to regaining his or her awareness, and every life is a different story. Have a pleasant life”.

Thanks Isabella!

If you are intrigued and want to know more about Dentosophie, you can read my blog post: Finally, a dental treatment more sustainable: the Dentosophie.

Namastè 🙂

Paola Morgese, PMP
Civil Hydraulic Engineer
M.S. Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

Translation of the Italian blog post: Paola Morgese, La Dentosofia di Isabella

Finally, a dental treatment more sustainable: the Dentosophie

Have you ever heard of Dentosophie? It is a guided dental self therapy, which uses a holistic, gentle and natural way to balance the teeth and the person. It was born with the work and the research of a French dental surgeon, Michel Montaud.

Anyone who knows me, knows how much my teeth are uneven. I have always refused to face coercive and invasive treatments, extractions, to use metal braces, and to undergo cruel cuts, as suggested to me, with also expensive estimates, by various dentists met over the years. I needed a more gentle, effective and convincing method and, finally, I found it.

The approach is holistic because, starting from the mouth care, it aims to the global psycho-physical well-being of the patient. It uses, as a technical tool, a soft U-shaped bite activator, but you can soon reach important results just starting to put into practice some of its principles.

Among the positive effects, which I could verify for myself, there are for example the immediate resumption of full nasal breathing, resulting in the regularization of heart rhythm, sleep and balance, a gradual resumption of bilateral mastication, with the re-balance of the muscles of face, shoulders and neck, with the “stereo” tasting of flavors and with the full creation of the food bolus, which begins the digestion to be completed later in the stomach, and keeping the correct position of the tongue at rest, during swallowing and in phonation.

I also noticed that, despite all the care and hygiene standards followed, my teeth continued to occupy undesirable positions over the years: it was as if they carried the signs of what was happening to me. This suspicion has found its confirmation in the Dentosophie. The imbalances of the mouth come from psycho-affective imbalances and conflicts. It is not only to straighten the teeth, but to understand the causes and to avoid the negative consequences of an unbalanced mouth. ”… we need to look at a deformed mouth and to read the suffering that it expresses”. (*)

In the Dentosophie the soft bite activator, proposed for the realignment, does not exert pressure on the teeth, on the contrary, it relieves them from all the strains transmitted to them by bones and muscles, and leaves them free to assume their natural position. It is just in this way that the teeth realign themselves over the years and keep their balance over the time, a thing that does not happen with traditional metal braces, which have high rates of recidivism. While this may seem strange, just consider, for instance, when a fingernail falls after a traumatic event: it grows again by itself, it already has the information to do so and there is no need for any external intervention. The operation of the activator is based on the activation of peripheral sensorial perceptions, particularly those fine ones of the cusps of the teeth.

The Dentosophie also addresses the problem of the potentially toxic old mercury amalgams, once used in the treatment of caries, and their eventual replacement.

The French doctor also describes the meaning of illness and of healing, of  health, intended as a state of dynamic equilibrium, the links between mouth, body and psyche, the importance of the traditional medicines, that use the remedies available in nature through local medicinal plants, the importance of respecting the natural order of time, with which the temporary teeth are replaced by the permanent teeth, in order to avoid a premature puberty or affective immaturity, the importance of respecting the natural order of the phases of the temporal growth from zero to three years, first we walk, then we talk and eventually we think.

Definitely not agreeable and to be condemned are the experiments on animals, alive and then killed and dissected, cited by the French dentist in support of his theory.

Positive and encouraging are instead the results, described and documented also directly by the patients, obtained with people of all ages, from children to the elderly, in decades of applied therapy. A self therapy as the Dentosophie requires the full cooperation and motivation of the patient.

A balanced mouth means a balanced individual, and many balanced people form a balanced society.

It is comforting to know that there are dental treatments more sustainable than the traditional ones, for patients, for the environment, for the society and for the economy.

Paola Morgese, PMP
Civil Hydraulic Engineer
M.S. Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

* Michel Montaud, Denti & Salute, Edizioni Terra Nuova, Florence, 2014

Translation of the Italian article of Paola Morgese “Finalmente una terapia dentistica più sostenibile: la dentosofia” published in the blog of